Monday, 3 February 2014

Rain, rain and more rain

Well as you can see I managed to publish yesterday's post, so yes we have the internet up and running. It is still quite unreliable though, especially with the weather we're having. Unfortunately it is raining non stop. Today was supposed to be the first 'normal' day, but it poured all through the night and was still going steadily this morning. That means we pretty much can't do anything and are stuck inside for now. The forecast doesn't look too good for a few days, so I'm crossing fingers we do get a break soon. 

Because of this I haven't had a chance to get much in the way of photos, but I can at least tell you a little more about who lives here at the centre :)

The project is home to 8 cheetah, 2 servals, 1 caracal and 2 house cats! The cheetah - Jade, Shaka (pictured in my last post), Jasmine, Nala, Tessa, Shakira, Penny and Trigger - have all been raised in captivity but some are friendlier with humans than others. Jade and Jasmine have so far let me have a bit of a cuddle. 

There are two servals - I have some photos of Tiggy I'll try and post shortly - a smaller African cat. Tiggy lets you have a pat and likes to walk around the centre on a lead. Bells does not like to be touched but enjoys playing fetch with you with his ball! 

The last big cat is Pablo the caracal. He has the most gorgeous ears! Caracals are considered vermin here but they are a stunning cat. Pablo was raised in a house as a cub and neutered, but then the family decided they didn't want him. He has no option but to live out his life in captivity - he would not survive long if released, most likely he would quickly be shot by a farmer as he is not scared of humans. We don't get to touch him or spend much time in his enclosure, however he loves company and to have a chat through the fence. 

Finally there is Fury and Thunder, the super friendly house cats. They love having volunteers around and have already made themselves at home on my bed. 

I'm looking forward to getting to know them all during my stay, it is already apparent they each have their own very distinctive personalities and idiosyncrasies! 

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