Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Jasmine and Nala

When we had cheetah time yesterday afternoon we were all commenting on how much Jasmine's belly has grown even in the two weeks I've been here so far! She is due around the 20th of March but is already looking about ready to burst. Everyone has their fingers crossed that that means lots of babies, but it is very hard to tell. I'm guessing 5 but it may be a little ambitious. Estelle has been very busy getting all the baby things ready - bottles, little collars for identification, a new small enclosure for them to play outside, blankets and so on. There haven't been cubs here for a couple of years so it is pretty exciting! 

Unfortunately the pregnancy has meant Jasmine and Nala have started to clash a little bit. They are scrapping with each other fairly regularly, which is why we are trying to work so quickly on getting the new enclosure ready so that Nala can move in and Jasmine can have some space. The new little shelter is hopefully then where Jasmine will have the cubs, though they are building one in all the cheetah camps as well so Nala will get her own :)

I took some new photos of Jasmine to try and give an idea of how big her belly is getting!

And a couple more of Nala, in her new favourite spot on top of the shelter. 

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